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myra hindley and ian huntley

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stylinsam | 12:33 Tue 11th Apr 2006 | Film, Media & TV
23 Answers

any body no any good websites with the story on im interested.

p.s this is a real question im not sick x



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Glad you agree with me on giving him the truth pill. If you want to know more, and that doesnt make you sick click here

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sorry got the names mixed up i ment ian brady
Ha Ha didnt even notice :-)
i have a real interest in true crime, murderers to be exact and have done for many years. I find them fascinating but not in any warped kind of way. I like to go into their social backgrounds and try, although impossible, to understand how and why they could do such terrible things,however, the answer usually eludes me. One i found very interesting was the Boston stangler. His father did so many horrific things to him as a child, it really is no wonder he turned out the way he did. Mind you, that is no excuse, just a factor. I read a book on the Moors murders many years ago and it always stayed with me. I can't listen to "little drummer boy" anymore. I think these two are more fascinating than most, because it is not a crime a woman would normally commit. It is beyond comprehenssion and i hope she rots in hell! I'm sure she is doing. I would have loved her to have been released from prison, just so the public could have had their revenge. She lived too much of a cushy life. Oh look stylinsam, you've got me started now, i could talk for hours about this subject!
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jules i am exactly like you do you no any good books films websites related to true crime please thanks mate
back in the 90's i used to collect a weekly series of books called murder casebooks. They are what i learnt most from. I still have them all. There is a book called the Blooding which is very interesting about Colin Pitchfork, the first murderer to get caught through DNA. Have you heard of him?. He was from Leicester, my town, and murdered two schoolgirls. Its tells how he got someone else to give "his" blood by decepition when they did a mass test of all the locals in the village. He nearly got away with it, but the bloke who did it, mouthed off in a pub. That is a very interesting read. Give it a go. There are many books on the moors murderers. Do a search on the net and you will get plenty of information.

i am the same, it all fascinates me, not in a glorified way but i would like to understand what makes people behave in such a horrific and cruel way. apparantly there is to be a tv drama about hindley and brady, the woman playing her is scarily like her

Jules,I still cant listen to that song after all these years. Brady and Hyndley should have been hung,drawn and quartered and left to rot instead of languishing in jail at our expence!
FINA when i read that paragraph in the book with the actual dialogue that was on the tape made of poor little lesley Anne Downey, i had tears streaming down my face. It made a huge impact on me and although little drummer boy is a beautiful song, i will always associate it with her pleading for her life and calling for her mummy. How can any human being do that another let alone to a child. As i said in my previous post FINA they should have let them out. Boy, would they have suffered then! It would have been like throwing them to the lions. Instead they spent their sad lives in relative comfort. I used to get so anygry when idiots like Lord Longford, were always saying how she'd found religion and was sorry for what she'd done!!! So bloody what!!!!
bellasasha there are two dramas coming out about this evil pair. One stars Maxine Peake from shameless and the other stars Samantha Morton, Band of gold. It will be awful for the remaining parents of the victims, especially Keith Bennetts Mum whos sons body has never been recovered.
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what is this film called i have never seen it where can i get it fromx

they're TV dramas coming soon, one is at least, not sure if the one with sam Morton is a film though.

...the one with Maxine Peake in , is called "see no evil"

..and the one with Sam Morton is called "Longford" (I presume this one has more to do with Lord Longford and his campaign to free the moors murderers)

hi stylinsam i can recommend a great book its called the jigsaw man its written by paul brittain its got every murder you can think of its a really gruesome read but if you are into all that its right up your street

i forgot to mention its true crime and the author is a police psychologist

Jules, I agree with you 100%! That pair were pure evil yet they were allowed to live. I dont think watching tv,playing games, taking classes etc should have been allowed for B+H and was certainly no punishment! Can you imagine the outrage if Longford had been successfull in his quest to get Hindley freed? I remember the police and detective's crying, Im like you, I associate Little Drummer Boy with little Lesley Ann. I just cant listen to it.
Have a look at this site. Not just that evil pair but unfortunately plenty more dators/moors/index_1.html
hi jules its samantha morton who looks scarily like her...i feel so sorry for keith bennett's mother, i cant imagine what she goes thru every day
Sorry - 4getmenot has already given the link I gave.
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