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Wife Swap ??

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Roughquest | 23:07 Mon 01st May 2006 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers

I could have screamed at that military minded guy in tonights Wife Swap! His poor kids! His poor wife! How primitive was he in his discipline regime ???

I was fuming all the way through that....and also on a separate issue, what the hell were the BBC doing in the middle of tonight's episode of Eastenders ? Get a grip BBC !

RQ xxx



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How can anyone stay married to a man like that? The way he treated the kids was abusive. And the other guy? What a joke, anyway she's left him now.
What happened in EastEnders? I Missed it.
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BBC messed up half way through by showing the credits while the talking was going on in the background, then they decided to play the trailer for New Tricks over Eastenders too, doh ! Why do we pay our licence fee??
Thats weird, We did'nt get any mess ups. I live in s,wales. I wonder if it was a regional thing?
We had the eastenders mess up thing, im in the midlands
we did and we're in Norfolk
So did we in Lancashire.

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