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"Davina" - worst chat show ever?

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osprey | 13:17 Fri 05th May 2006 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
Forgive me if I am repeating myself, but can anyone think of a worse Chat Show than "Davina" or is it just me?


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Going back a bit ..Like myself. One of the best/worst chat shows was with Harold Wilson , they sometimes show bits of it on those worst of programmes. The usual clip is of Harry Secombe being "interviewed" and it comes to a grinding halt and stoney silence while Harold thinks of another question from his clipboard and Harry just sits there and then does his usual rasberry to the camera to break the slience . Nice...

Her show's been axed osprey,never watched it myself:-)

Mikeyd2. Just thinking of Harry Secombe bless him.

This was debated here at the time it started and -

I opined that Davina was utterly unsuited to a chat-show format, based on her fronting of Big Brother. She got to introduce the show - something Charles Clark could have done, because eveyone is waiting to see inside the House - the presenter is utterly irrelavent. She is loud, chippy, not very bright, and unable to converse easily - none of which commended her to a chat show.

The BBC did what they usually do (Graham Norton anyone?) - invested a 'celebrity' with a degree of audience pulling power that they patently do not possess, give them a much-hyped and drastically overpaid contract, and then watch them either fail miserably and humiliatingly in public, as Davina did, or suffocate the wit and edginess that made them famous in the first place, and wait around trying to find them something to do while the star makes hay - and money - in America, as Norton has done.

It's not difficult - so why are the BBC paying their Coomissioning Editors six-figure sums to get it hopelessly wrong again and again?

I have heard a rumour that Davina's replacement in the 'early evening chat show' slot is .... brace yourselves ..... Lenny Henry!!!!

I want my licence fee reduced .... NOW!

So andy-hughes do we agree my chosen charity gets your tenner now

Absolutely! Tell me to whom you;d like me to donate - and it shall be done.


Sadly, these days I'd nominate Parkinson as one of the worst. He used to be quite decent, but his day has gone, and now it's just sycophantic, undemanding questions to the same churned-out chat show regulars, Billy Connolly and Michael Caine on at least three times a year, music from the latest act to appeal to those who want to pretend to like jazz but are a bit scared of anything difficult, and occasional cantankerous newspaper/magazine articles full of pompous guff about how none of these new chat show hosts are anywhere near as good as him.

About time the grumpy old bu99er called it a day, I think.

With you there littleoldme - he sits there doing his 'professional Yorkshireman' act in conversations so wt and warm you could bath a baby in them. That faraway look in his eyes means he's thinking "When's jamie Cullum coming on ...."

Time he moved on.

Presenting a chat show is a skill - which Davina certainly does not possess - but it's not rocket salad, there must be someone out there who can shunt the old duffer aside?

I did put a post in suggestions for you. But I would like the money to go to McMillan Cancer Relief please. Thank You. :-)

No, I don't think Davina's chat show was anything special. I think she is really good at presenting Big Brother though!

I would like to say that one of the best chat show hosts is Johnathan Ross. How funny is he?!!

Does anyone remember ' A Frame With Davis ' from the late 80s. A Truly Honkingly Awful attempt at providing Steve Davis with a vehicle with which to torture the poor viewing public.

Although Davina seems to be pretty hopeless at most things the award for worst chat show must go to Nigella Lawson, her efforts last year in the itv lunchtime slot were so bad it was embarrassing.

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"Davina" - worst chat show ever?

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