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spainlads | 12:30 Sun 07th May 2006 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
Whose ex-wife, daughter and son-in-law all died within 15 days of each other


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this is doing my head in!!!!! i thought i would know it but i cant for the life of me think who it is......i think i will say ken barlow!
I think it could be Alec Gilroy. Ex wife Joyce, daughter Sandra Arden and Son in Law Tim Arden. 1991
5 July 1991
Joyce Shaw
Alec's first wife, died of a heart attack

19 July 1991
Tim Arden
Killed in a car accident on his return from his mother-in-law's funeral. He left a daughter, Victoria

Sandra Arden
Killed in a car accident with her husband Tim

If they were Vickie's parents that makes sense. Alec, her grandfather, was her guardian.
and Victoria married Steve McDonald didn't she?
Question Author

You're all right. I forgot about Alec 1st wife. I remembered Vicky's mum and dad dying but couldn't see the wife connection.


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