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wife swap

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shortylilly | 21:43 Mon 15th May 2006 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
did anyone else think the bald headed lady was scary?


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now i know i am glad i missed it
yeah, at the start i was wondering which one was the wife!
dont know about the enemy,but she put the fear of jaysus up me.
She was far too strict with her children, especially the eldest one. It was half term and he still had to get up early, work in the family's sandwich shop, do chores at home and do his homework, which left no time for him to see his friends. I felt so sorry for him!
and what was with all the army gear!!

Total nutter. Felt very sorry for her kids. The other family needed knocking into shape a bit, the dad basically being a lazy b******* loveable rogue, but old Millie Tant - where do they find these people?!?!?!?

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