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old movie

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jamwan55 | 00:55 Sat 10th Jun 2006 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
i remember watching a black and white movie when i was young, but i cant remeber the name of it, all i can remember is that there were a bunch of people trapped in a building in the mountains and some one was killing them off one at a time, the thing i remember about it the most though is that near the end a narrator asks the watcher who they think dunnit.... weird!
anyone shine a light on this for me???


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Possibly a remake of this (which is a silent film). If the plot is familiar then you may be able to search further.

Very possible this is the 1965 version of 10 Little Indians which has been filmed many times, the best being in 1945 with Barry Fitzgerals. The fims were based on 10 Little ******* by Agatha Christie.
That should read 10 Little Diggers with the D replacing the N in the original title.
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after googling, 10 little indians seems to be the movie iwas looking for
cheers osprey

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