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Tv Series Knightmare

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kitted_up | 10:17 Tue 18th Mar 2003 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Did anyone actually complete the Knightmare Tv series that used to be on ITV in the 80's?


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Apparently there were winners in every series but series three. (Which was an absolute cow!) Check out:


ahhh now that was an EXCELLENT programme
Its currently showing on Challenge TV on Satellite and Cable
I watched someone get to the dragon that was suppose to get them to the final stage. Then i grew up and missed the rest. Great game though.
Actually Andromeda isn't quite right. There were no winners in series one either, and two in series two.
i had the game on my amstrad cpc 464 and i never finished it. it was soo hard!
possibly the greatest tv show of all time.. all i can remember is one team completing it.. check out for the teams online diary of their day at the knightmare studios.. ahh the memories.. "sidestep left".. "no right" .. "ohhh hobgoblin"... :D

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