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Best twist to a film

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shiznit | 01:45 Wed 12th Jul 2006 | Film, Media & TV
56 Answers
What is the best ever twist to a film?

It has to be The Usual Suspects dosn't it?


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The Others.
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siznit - after seeing 'Haunted' the ending on 'The Others' was really obvious. But had you not seen it, you're right, great plot twist.
Planet of the Apes (not the Tim Burton one of course)
I thought The Usual Suspects was seriously predictable.

Planet of the Apes for me. But as it is a bit old I'd imagine most people know the ending before seeing the film (especially these days with the Statue of Liberty on the front cover of the DVD).

Beat me too it.
Oh yeah Whickerman's username has made me think of another film. The Wicker Man.
Jacob's Ladder?
I wrote a similar post a week or so ago about films with unusual concepts (like groundhog day, sixth sense etc) and I was persuaded to watch "Old Boy" a korean film. So I have ordered it on the strength of AB'ers answers.
Not the best twist ever but I still liked it.......lucky number slevin.

i watched the special feature on sixth sense round my mates and it completely gave the plot away, i recon the best twist is in dead mans curve, if you havent seen it watch it, i do 3 beer!!!!

and yeah usual suspects rocks
I tend to find a lot of 'twists' fairly predictable- Sixth Sense, Fight Club, Identity, etc. The Usual Suspects is definitely one of the best, along with The Wizard of Oz, Citizen Kane, Psycho, Don't Look Now and The Wicker Man.
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Wow you guys are all great, love all the films you have mentioned and will try the ones I have not seen, thanks for all your posts

my personal favourite is 'Angel Heart' with Mickey Rourke and Robert De Niro........the ending of 'Seven' is pretty good too.
shiznit wrote:

"How arrogant of you to assume that, people are totally free to list whatever they think, how safe of you to go for The Sixth Sense though, that one is in the bank, try using your imagination"

I was not being arrogant; I was answering your question. It was you who were being arrogant by assuming that everybody would agree with your own opinion of "The Usual Suspects".

By naming "The Sixth Sense" I was not being "safe"; I was answering your question. Would you prefer me to lie? Would you prefer me to pretend that some other film, other than "Sixth Sense", is the one with the best twist? If you were to use your imagination, it might be possible for you to understand the concept that my original answer was the correct answer to your question, in my opinion.
What about The Game? Totally underated film, with a twist on top of a twist. You will never guess...
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Hmmmn how come everyone else got my post then yet you felt that you needed to question it, it was for a bit of fun that was all.

Did you not see the question mark at the end of my question?

Anyway we must agree to disagree on this one but thank you for you thoughts


my impression of your opening post was that you were pompious and arrogant.

Get off your high horse and answer the question, not start an argument.
Does anyone remember "The Last Seduction" with Linda Fiorentina .That had a good twist at the end .
Would you say the ending of Carrie was a twist? We did all think she was dead didn't we and it spawned many copycats.

p.s. I thought "The Village" was poor.....

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