Somebody kidnapped Sun and people thought it was the others, untill Sawyer worked out that the bag used to cover her head was a different weave to what the others have. Sawyer and Kate then figured out that it was Anna-Lucia (I think thats her name...The cop...her!) who had kidnapped Sun because she wanted to start the army and get her hands on the guns! Anyways, Jack decided to go on a hunt and find the others to kill them...along with Jin, however, Sawyer went ahead to the hatch to tell Locke of Jack's plans...convincing him that once the guns had left their vault...they would not return the guns...and all sorts of trouble would break loose!! Locke then decided to hide the guns, later on, Jack realises what has happened and goes off to the beach to confront Locke...when, Sawyer appears (looking all evil and cool) firing the guns into the air. Swayer then gives a speech about how everything has changed since he left, and everyone stole his stash and stuff. In the end he has decided that "Boys! There's a new sheriff in town". After that, we see Charlie and Sawyer talking, it was him who kidnapped Sun...because he wanted Locke to look stupid, or something like that.
Hope this is clear enough for you!!