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Kids' film with android - Help!

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map08 | 02:54 Tue 08th Apr 2003 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
Hi, Can anybody help me? I seem to remember going to see a film in the mid- to late-eighties with my mum - I would have been about 5 to ten years old. I'm guessing that my mum thought it was a kids' film, but I remember being totally confused by it. It seemed to be about a small group of people having to travel somewhere (I think it was a type of fantasy/adventure film) and I'm sure I remember them flying over a desert in a small plane at one point. I might be wrong, but one of them was an android, and went to android heaven, or something. It was a hotel-type place. I think the android didn't want to leave - or maybe he was dissapointed with 'android heaven' and he did want to leave.


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Sorry I dont know the answer, but your question has had me in stiches!!!. I hope you get an answer because I want to see this film.
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Hi there, thanks for your answer! I did find out what it was, using (ahem) another message board (Empire film magazine). Turns out I was right about it all, apart from Android Heaven, which didn't exist. Which I think shows incredible memory power! Or maybe not... Anyway, the name of the film was "Slipstream", starring Mark Hamill and oddly, Ben Kingsley. So, there you go. Bit of a shame about there being no android heaven - it was a rich man's house instead. Why I thought it was heaven, I have no idea - maybe it's the capitalist in me sneaking out...
Aah, your 'reminiscent' version sounds so much better. An android heaven - how cute!

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Kids' film with android - Help!

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