the meaning of life is to reproduce, seriously i can only think of one reason is that god put us here so we can love the world and each other, but it doe'st seem to be working, what with all these wars and bombings.
life (lf)
n. pl. lives (lvz)
1. The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism.
2. The characteristic state or condition of a living organism.
3. Living organisms considered as a group.
4. A living being, especially a person.
Biologically speaking we exist simply to further the species.
I'm an atheist through and through so I don't believe there is any spiritual reason or purpose for our being here. Maybe we're an evolutionary accident or an alien experiment, who knows.
Be nice to others and lead a full life. Perhaps meaning will follow, perhaps that in itself is meaning enough.
The meaning of life is so that people can ask just that question... as soon as the question is answered ... people need to find another one... what is the meaning of death... then it's all over... lol
Seriously.. though.. I think the meaning is to be the best you can be at whatever you can... if u fail in this then what was the point