Up close and Personal with Redford and Pfeiffer. The only film in my 30 years I have walked out on. Not seen Lord of War so don't know if it is as bad as that although if it has Cage in it, it must be bad.
I should have sussed - when the previous audience exited like a crowd of Zombies- that Vanilla Sky was a complete pile of doo doo. What a waste of film!
Star wars the last 3 that were really the first three I WELL ASLEEP and anything harry potter or Lord of the Rings apart from aragon.
Alexander was garbage, i mean, Why did they all have Irish accents? (it's okay I know the history of why lol) and Kingdom of Heaven, nah. I hated training day too.
The Cook, The Theif, His Wife and her Lover,
rented this years ago. hubby and i sat down to watch it, only managed about 20 minutes - absolutely bl**** awful!
couple of years later hubby rented it again - having forgotton that we'd already rented it, once i'd reminded him we thought we'd give it another try - still bl**** awful!!!