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C.S.I. Las Vegas - UK Living - Tonight's Episode

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Dizzieblonde | 23:13 Fri 08th Sep 2006 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers
Grr..! I assume it was in two parts, and they haven't shown them back to back. The episode was called 'Bodies in Motion', and had three murders - that of a couple in a trailer park, two people shot in their car and a stripper. Does anyone know what happened to them - looks like the stripper was killed by the homeless man, and the two gunshot victim shot as part of a drugs deal, but what about the original ones in the trailer?


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A bit of reading but its good if you've missed any others.
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Ahh - so it was just a hit & run type thing after all! Pah! I was expecting all three murders to be connected somehow - has disappointing! lol. Ta very much though Amy - it would have been bugging me otherwise! x

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