A tedious, directionless load of ooh-aren't-we-weird-and-whacky tosh.
Closely followed by:
Pretty Woman Mission Impossible 2 Crocodile Dundee 2 Practical Magic (not even being in love with Nicole Kidman could rescue it) The Passenger Little Voice
1. vanilla sky- laughed my head off in the cnema people were looking at me like i was mad.
2. mission impossible 2 has so many mistakes it's unreal
3. back to the future 2 and 3
list is endless
4get I have to say you've got me on that one - Dish Dogs?!
spanner - we're as one on MI2 it seems. Rotten to the core. BTTF2 is bad, 3 not so bad, and I didn't mind Vanilla Sky but concede it seems to inspire heated responses.
On sequels, you've reminded me - Jurassic Park 2 - it stinks.
Oh hang on - how could I have left out Indiana Jones 2! Contender for Spielberg's worst film, even worse than JP2. (I am actually a Spielberg fan but those 2 are dire).
'Four Weddings And A Funeral' closely followed by 'Moulin Rouge' - at least I assume it didn't improve after the ten minutes I sat through - I couldn;t take any more after that.
yes its that cr@p that hardly anyone has heard of it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0132920/
We have a thing in our office where we wrap it up and pass it on to the next poor bugg@r. I have it at the moment.
AI - complete and utter kak
Minority Report - 30 mins too long, might have been alright but for the "explain it for the thickos" ending they tacked on which ruined it for me
have to be honest, I just don't start watching something if I have any suspicion it'll bore the a$$ off me or annoy me, so most "blockbusters" (all MIs, all JPs, the 'new' Star wars films, Titanic, Forest Gump, etc etc etc are entirely unwatched and likely to remain so)
Predator V Alien
Lake Placid
Mulholand (sp) Drive
Donny Darko
24 Hour Party People
King Kong (Black and White and the new version)
Anything with Freddy Kruger in the title.
Bridget Jone's Diary
And I'm sure I can think of more. Apologies for the list Backdrifter but I couldn't narrow it down.
China don't apologise, I knew most people would put more than one and I'm interested to see the lists. And it was a good list. Come back with more if you think of them.
One or two I haven't seen inc Mulholland but it pops up on many people's 'worst' lists elsewhere - hmmmm... Darko I did see and while it's not one of my worst it's definitely overrated - a friend described it as "not as clever as it thinks it is" which is spot on. 24 Hour etc - I can't bear the cutesyness of it - Howard Devoto, a bit of an icon for me, turning to camera and saying "I don't remember any of this" - yeccchh. No, Howard, no!
You get a star rating and a hug (if wanted) for Bridget Jones.