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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
1003 Answers
Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
Lie in today as we are going Christmas shopping......quick shower and out the door, laters all
Morning...or should I say bordid...all snuffly and sneezy :o(

Good luck woofy, it'll be busy today.

Love the troll Lottie, that's my message to the world. :o)
Good morning Biddies.

Didn't surface until 10.00am. I just couldn't be bothered to get up and it was warm and comfortable in bed!! It's overcast, grey, miserable and cold here. I just wish Norfolk would get some rain. The situation is getting very serious indeed.

Enjoy the shopping Woofie. You are very brave!!

See you later
getting very dark and drizzly-looking here... darn it, because I'm about to go out on a Dickens walk in London, looking at workhouses and so forth. Brolly needed, I think (or maybe I could just get neti to take me round in her taxi)
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Well I went out to the only open shop and bought some sticky hooks to hold up the outside window decs, then got a test from a friend saying to join her on the sea front for a coffee, so I did, but a bit too warm.

Home again, hoovered and dusted all through and will now relax. Silly me, tooth is absolutely killing nme si chomping on the 1gm paracetamol cos no ibroprofen left! Off to make appointment in the morning with dentist! Overcast now and dark!!
why did I read that as "bought some hockey sticks"??

<cleans specs>
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Oh bravo jno say what?? Jolly and all that.......

Just had hot bath and am now lolling in jogging top and bottoms, eaten t2wo hot buttered crumpets and now having a cuppa and a slice of apricot tart.
"sea front"..."a bit too warm"...pffft... <I'd batter her if she didn't have toothache>
Piddlin' down here...

....that sounds very interesting jno, it's about 3 miles long apparently so I'll just follow you on google map from the dry comfort of my own house.
back from shopping in one piece and had lunch feet and knees are killing me.
Hello all. Well what a great day yesterday. We went to Bakewell for lunch (The Bakewell Pudding shop) then over the snow covered Peak hills to Ashbourne to see The Pipes in The Peak. What a fantastic show. I just cannot explain it all to you. We were greeted with sherry and then at half time tea and mince pies. this link tells you a bit about it but doesn't give you the atmosphere. The photos don't show how Christmassy the place was. It was totally Chrismas with a good sing song along the way. Brilliant. I didn't tell you it was in a Garage, honest. Of course it has been sorted to get the seats in etc but it is a working garage. The sun shone all day for us really and metaphorically! Even The Rams won!!!
Today I woke up to rain and I don't think it has stopped all day.

I am lucky again as I have only ever once been sea-sick and that was on a round the 'Scarborough coast holiday boat trip' when I was about 13. I love travelling on anything - well maybe not a camel!

My NF is coming round tonight for the usual but she doesn't know yet that the snooker is going to be on with the sound down :¬) well maybe not!

Hope you get your appointment tomorrow at the dentist Neti. My regular appointment is in the first week of January.

Vinny says hi to you all and he might just pop in at Christmas. you never know.

Have a goodnight Biddyfriends. See yer later 'gater(s)
you do lead a wonderful life, Jude, I don't know where you get your energy. I hope it's nothing illegal!

We went on our Dickens walk today and the rain mostly held off. Went past the workhouse supposedly used as the model for Oliver Twist

And a house just down the road where in 1820 Dickens lived and in 1850 OH's gggfather also lived, so there's a coincidence.
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Jude the Gallivanter! Sounds like really good day. Lucky thing.,

I've only ever been seasick that once, which surprised me.

Mr N home having won a food and wine hamper, but it's Spanish food which isn't our thing, I mean I like the spicy sausage, but the buttery crumbling biscuits are horrible and coat the mouth, yuk, and I don't drink much wine and if I do I'm fussy which one (not that I'm a snob as I like cheap plonk) Ah well I'll keep the chocies i bought for the postwoman and give her something from the hamper.
Evening all
Dull dim day here . Not too warm either ,but not as taters as it was yesterday .
Yes all very exciting lives you lead .All I get is a perv in the Library
Sounds a lovely day out Jude .
I've had a peep at the walks site Jno .Very interesting .I see they do a Dickens walk in Rochester too .Well I won't go on that one as I did it most days going to and from school :)
I hope you didn't bump into Marleys Ghost !

The most exciting thing that's happened here today is ....errrr...nothing .
I shall however be venturing into town tomorrow so something may happen then ,you never know .Perhaps I'll bump into Father Christmas .
Be good ..sleep well .
Dull very uneventful day here too Shaney - we should have gone with our Jude or our jno!!

I slept for a few hours this afternoon, just couldn't keep my eyes open.

New woodburner has now been installed by Mr LL but top of chimney still not finished off!! We will get there one day.........................................

Osteopath tomorrow, unless I managed to damage myself again in the meantime.

Night night all

I am saving my next osteopathy until later in the week, as I am sure I am going to have my neck twisted like a pretzel tomorrow while the dentist nails my implants on. Don't I just love going out and acquiring new body parts...

oight oight all.
good morning all, cold and damp here with gales forecast for the rest of the week. Sis goes home today, back on the 22nd. I have about a million things to get done before then, mostly peoply things and mostly not what i want to do ho hum.
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Good morning all.

Off to make an appointment with dentist today, I'll be thinking of jno gaining teeth as I lose one!

Am still in bed but I think the weather is fine. Catch you all laters!
'tis the circle of life, neti, teeth come, teeth go. Molars and canines and whiskers on kittens...
Good Morning Everybiddy. Off to school today armed with jazzy stickers for the Children. They say things like 'well done' and 'brilliant work' and 'excellent job' and things like that. They love stuff like that. I love going it gives me a great perspective on life.
The weather promises to be good and sunny til about 4 here then rain is forecast. That just give me time to get home. My car is covered with frost this morning so the temp is about right for the time of the year.
My NF came last night and she didn't mind me putting the Snooker on about nine. We sat with the sound down and still talked. It was still on when she went so I saw the end of the match which to me was great. I think it's having sons makes me like sport so much.
Hope you all have a good day. See yer later 'gater(s)
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..Got appointment for 10am on Wednesday- she thinks its a root canal job. Have a good day at school jude.

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