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GMTV Blunder Video?

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Chie | 12:44 Tue 16th Jan 2007 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Does anyone have a link to a video of the blunder by GMTV that has been reported in the papers (,,2-200702048 2,00.html) please? I've had no luck with YouTube so far.


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If you're on about the newsreader talking to her colleagues, I saw it, very funny
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Yes. Is there a video of it online?
i doubt it will get out of the anglia studios to be honest. Unless it ends up in a 'It shouldnt happen to a TV newsreader' kind of program
Dont think so.
It was reported in the Daily Mail today. Apparently she has outed some bloke she works with as having an affair and had her hand up the front of her jumper to sort her bra out. Bound to end up on the outtake programmes!!!
I saw it and couldn't stop laughing, she was saying 'were you talking to your wife or Jan' then she said 'you always talk to Jan'. Me thinks he and his wife had some very harsh words lol aside from her doing her hair, sorting out her top and drinking her water that was the funniest thing

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