Hello all! Anyone know the names of any of the artists/tracks on the uk version of aforementioned movie? Fuel records did the soundtrack, Tipper poss 1 of artists??? Thanx in advance ;)
Hi there. I am also looking for the song names and artists from Initial D Drift Racer. I know that the music was composed by Nicholas Zart and that it was produced by Fuel but that's it i'm afraid. If you go onto initialduk.com, you can hear some of the tunes. I have been trying to download them from the site but have had no luck. If you can work it out, please let me know! Thanks
Hello mate. I've come to the conclusion that there was not so much of a soundtrack to InitialD, more of an 'Incidental music' movie score? Surely the tracks would be easier to come-by if not?
Thanks j :)
if you want to get the tracks of the site first clear you'r temp internet files, then go on the site select each song after that go back into you'r temporay internet files folder and they should be there.