They had "practise sessions" on a glass penis so you knew what they were going to do! Then, you had sound effects and duvets moving up and down. Oh my lord it was so CRINGEWORTHY!!!!! Why would anyone put themselves through that and ON TV!!!!!!!!! ???
Sorry, marwel7 i didn't word that correctly. I have seen it before and cringed at the bedroom antics of the night, i just wondered what specific tactics they had, but i think sair5412 has answered that and eeeuuugh.
arf... I knew a couple that went on that. They were having sex and she shouted out For F***s Sake Gary, you hear that getting shouted at him all the time round town.
It makes me feel sick when you see them at it! Urgh, lets leave it to the porn industry shall we?!! Jeeez, what else will they inspect on TV. We already have Gillian McKeith inspecting people's poo.