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Can you link the DS lite to the Wii?

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splish | 22:37 Sat 28th Apr 2007 | Video Games
3 Answers
I have a DSLite and i also have the Wii. Can i link the two in anyway so my boyfriend and i can play with both consoles???


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im not sure, i think you can link it in someway, have you looked in the instructions if its possible

It is possible to link up the two consoles i.e. to use the DS as a controller for some Wii games. However, since the Wii is still in its infancy, this wont be for some time yet. It will happen, just in the future.

Look here for more info: onnectivity
The new Pokemon game will let you use your pokemon from Diamond and Pearl in the Wii arenas.

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Can you link the DS lite to the Wii?

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