My 14 yr old son is being bullied at school. The first 2 times I was advised of the banging of his head on the metal railing and the pushing him down the steps. BUT the latest situation has got me really angry. He was choked by another kid and I was never made aware of it. The kid was expelled but I wasn't told. Now my son is scred to death to go to school because this kids friends threaten him with revenge ALL the time. He pretended to go to school yesterday and hid in the garage all day. When I questioned the police officer that is there on duty all the time he said he was NEVER evwen told it accured. I asked the vice principal why I was NOT made aware and he responed your son said not to call you. HE is 14 and has no right as a minor to make that decision for himself!!!! I am so angry should I get an attorney!!!???
I take it then thast u are not UK based by the terminology, here we have the Citizens Advice Bureau who would be quite interested in a case like this, as would i am sure other child protection agencies and community police.
my son became victim of bullying at school from year 7 and i thought that because he was a black belt on martial arts he could defends himself did i misjuded.
How can you understand a 14 years old to end his own life and others. It took years for my son to trust again and now nearly 18 he just start to go out to go shopping but is still very nervous in public.
Bullying is in every school even the best one. it happens usually outside or in the play ground. outside the school gate the principle has no liability inside the school there is no witness or the school state that they have a zero tolerance on bullying. CRAP it just looks bad on reports.. You are going towards a difficult path and my heart goes to your son.and you.
pressure the school and if no response threat them with your local paper and to make a noise. Ask for cancelling for your son and technique of how to become strong again cos the bullies can sense the weak one. In future injuries you must take pictures with date included /statement from your son. go to the principle with evidence and threat them to go to the police with it if nothing done on the day and question why the school is allowing bullying that question should move their lazy backside. let us know good luck