what is it that is so bad about Ziggy. He doesn't boss people about, he doesn't fart, he doesn't pretend to be thick when he isn't ?? He has a laugh with the rest of them, he's had bad times and good times. The only reason he was not up for nomination until just recently is becuase there were other idiots who were worth getting out more quickly. He has always apologised if over stepped the mark and is not afraid of speaking up. He doesn't like to see anyone down for too long. I think they sent his doggie in because they knew he missed him the most and Channelle was giving him contstant grief. The others had messages from home, so what is the problem?
He may have a dodgy lip, he may have the nervy twitch at the camera, so what. I think he deserves to win, he won't win I know but surely better than Jonty, Carol and Brian??
Brian is unreal.