Optimum heat setting in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Optimum heat setting

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Im a BusyBee | 10:34 Thu 11th Oct 2007 | How it Works
4 Answers
Whats the most economical way to have a warm house heated by oil. I know this sounds a silly question (sorry). is it better to let it keep at a low heat all the time or turn it off all day(and during the night) to heat up from cold just before i get in?i am quite a cold person and find i need my thermostat at about 25-27 to feel warm enough when sitting down in evening. i have moved house this year and this house seems better insulated and slightly smaller than before - i didnt have oil central heating previously either
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Glad you mentioned the insualtion as was just about to suggest that. I think all new houses have to have 11 to 12 inches of it to meet new regs. I personally have 4, but will be boosting it to 8 later this year. I hope you have got double glazed windows as well, as a lot of heat is loss through there.

The price of heating oil has doubled in the past few years. When my parents had theirs put in the price was 18 pence per litre, it is now 38 pence per litre. I personally would recommend solar water heating, as a friend of mine has this, and his hot water is scalding hot and totally free. However, these can be expensive to install and you can be looking at the best part of 6 grand all told.

Your required temperature seems very high. Dare I ask what age you are, or rather why you need heating this high?
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i am forty something! i seem to feel the cold rather more than most. i do have double glazing but any modifications are not a possibility as iam a tenant here.last winter i had gas heating but a bigger and draftier house. but i would like to be sure i am running the oil heating at the most economical and efficient possible
Find an Ecoflow distributor and buy a Thermoflow off him for �55.00 this magnetic device will save you up to 20% just by fitting it on the feed pipe close to the boiler.
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what is a thermoflow? how does that work?

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