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Peugeot 407 Song - Can You ... Me

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Guitarmarama | 18:08 Fri 11th Jun 2004 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
I know the song is 'Can You Trust Me' by The Film. However, has anyone else noticed that Peugeot have fiddled with it so it actually sounds like 'Can You Touch Me' (It fits in with the nature of the advert better). Only just noticed it now!


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Yea. I didn't know about the original song, so assumed the words were 'can you touch me'.
On the advert I thought it sounded like 'can you search me' rather than touch. Maybe it's just me!!! Does anyone think this too???
Peugeot 407 Song The original song is "Can you trust me" by "Toccata Festiva" But the song of the commercial has been mixed by Dj Zebra with the "Dance to the underground" album. See Ya
Sorry to tell you thats guyz but the original creator of this song is a french group called "the film" and the original song is can you trust me and cetrainly not made by toccata Festiva. The single will be released in september. The group is from "Bordeaux" and had made severals musics for advertisings If i'm so sure of thatit's because i know very well those lucky guyz

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Peugeot 407 Song - Can You ... Me

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