Question Author
Lol - Whickerman, I'll change my profile in a mo.
Toby99 - The instructor was totally racist. He was showing me round, when an Aisan man squeezed past us. He did say "excuse me" but then accidentally bumped into the instructor with his Gymbag, and apologised. This prompted the instructor to say "i hate them, don't you?" and i said "hate who?" and he said "them. P.a.k.k.i.s they think they're better than you" and i said that i had lots of Asian friends, and didn't think that was the case, so then he went on to tell me about times he and his Hell's Angels friends had gone "pakki bashing and picked fights with Asian teenagers in the street, just for being Asian. Obviously i was totally disgusted and like i said, when i complained, no one gave a damn.
Beryllium - i belong to fitness first, so quite a big chain, but if you phone them you get routed to your nearest branch, where i still can't reach the manager. Have e-mailed head office, though.