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song in eastenders

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mad4music | 23:03 Sun 06th Jan 2008 | Music
4 Answers

the other day they played a song on eastenders

it was when um... denise i tink her name is is sat on the floor after kevin dies n shes looking thru his ds 4 he wake and in her hand she has an album that says "the Jam" on the front if anyone knows of the band cuz iv looked them and cudnt find anything or the sog tht was played it'd be a real help




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I know The Jam fairly well, they're big so there should be loads of stuff ablout them. Do you remember what the song went like or any of the words?
As jedimistress says The Jam were huge!

If you can remember any lyrics it would help..I am sure one of us will know it :o)
The track is called Ghosts and these are the lyrics

Why are you frightened - can't you see that it's you
That ain't no ghost - it's a reflection of you
Why do you turn away - an' keep it out of sight
Oh - don't live up to your given roles
There's more inside you that you won't show

But you keep it hidden just like everyone
You're scared to show you care - it'll make you vulnerable
So you wear that ghost around you for disguise

But there's no need just 'cos it's all we've known
There's more inside you that you haven't shown

So keep on moving, moving, moving your feet
Keep on shuf-shuf-shuffling to this ghost dance beat
Just keep on walking down never ending streets

One day you'll walk right out of this life
And then you'll wonder why you didn't try

To spread some loving all around
Old fashioned causes like that still stand
Gotta rid this prejudice that ties you down

How do you feel at the end of the day
Just like you've waked over your own grave

So why are you frightened - can't you see that it's you
At the moment there's nothing - so there's nothing to lose
Lift up your lonely heart and walk right on through

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thank you for all your replies dey were really helpful.

u i woz just wondering if you's had any suggestions of other songs that they did because they sound like really good band and i wanted to download some music from them but i need song titles first.

If you could suggest a few it would be great.

Thanks again.!x

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