Whilst in either London or Sussex I have a fairly good social life as I have life long friends and family there but whilst I am in the West Country, I really do not anybody. Hence you may have noticed I am on here more of an evening Mon-Thurs.
I have tried the local Conservative club which was truly dreadful and there is no local British Legion within the vicinity.
The people I work with (100 percent male) are OK, but the ones I would consider worthy of actually go out with on a school night are either married (hence boring) or live on the school premises (hence are not allowed vistors past 20.30hrs, no alcohol and are actually "on call" as such)
I refuse to attend gyms as they smell of sperm.
Seriously what do strangers in a strange town do when they do not know ANYBODY?
I know it is only 4 maybe 5 evenings a week, and the odd afternoon, but it is fairly boring to be honest. I only rent here so there is no home building to do.
I do not wish to sound like a lonely old fart, but any ideas? I love teaching at the moment so have no plans to leave, and not be qualified I can not really up sticks and teach back home.
There are no high class ones here, only smack head junkie scrubbers with missing teeth and stretch marks on their top lip where they inhale the last 1/10000000th of nicotine from a roll up.
well why not join the Family History Society in Bristol and the West , you could be their military historian, they would love you to do a talk at their monthly meeting i bet about military stuff, you would be surprised at how popular the subject is. check out the monthly meeting dates in the reference library.