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to Jillius, my ex said it in a accusung way because as I said we seperated because there were always accusations especialy when our youngest son was born, he would say things like dont burn him with the bath water, dont hold him like that, and he started to have the babies cot on his side of the bed, he realy did not trust me, even though Chris was my 5th baby and even though there had been a post mortom and there was not a blemish found on Jamies body. I had a nervouse breakdown 6months after the baby died, wether or not this made my ex feel that he could not trust me I don't know, but what I do know is this, I would not hurt a hair on my children or any child. They are to precious.
I do wish I had not watched the programme now as it affected me quite badly even though it has been almost 37yrs, it is true you never get over the death