I could sit and watch this man on the ice all night,. He is just so great to watch! te charisma and style of his skating is amazing. (ima fan, can ya tell?)
Is it a forgone conclusion that he will win. Who would get your vote?
Chris would get my vote too! I know he's played ice hockey before, but there is a huge difference to what he was like at the start to what he is like now. Very impressive indeed!!
Greg to go tonight surely? And a Chris-Suzanne-Gareth final three?
agree totally with what you say about the final squidgster.
I know he did ice hockey but this is dancing on ice, all he had was a basic skating skill, it might have been an advantage at the very start but i dont think it is now. He just has "it"
He always looks like he is performing for himself and showing how good he is. I love watching Suzanne, she is really a twosome when she is skating, and elegant. Even Gareth looks like he is dancing with someone.
OOh Chris Fountain makes my Saturday night. An old lady's dream!! (and he's just brilliant - head and shoulders above the others in all respects) Anyway, back to reality.
I thought Gareth was really good on Saturday. Considering he had no dancing or skating experience at all, I think he is the one who has improved the most.
I've got a ticket for the tour, does anyone know if Kieran Bracken is appearing in it? I know Bonnie (aren't I wonderful) Langford is in it, which I could do without.