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The Palace

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Postdog | 23:08 Mon 03rd Mar 2008 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
Don't watch this (can't stand progs like this) but caught the end of it as I was changing channel, and there was a girl who seemed very faimiliar to me from somewhere (or maybe she looked like an old girlfriend, I dunno). Anyway, it's doing my head in, and I would like to check her history on IMDb to see where, if it was TV, I recognise her from. Know neither the character name or the actress (or anything really!) but I gather from the bit I saw with just her and the king (I assume) that she wrote a book, which she decided not to publish. Can anyone help with either name please - I can do the rest. TIA.


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Zoe Telford played Abigail. Brilliant series. Wonder if there will be another series?
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Ta - don't remember anything she has been in. I guess it must have been an old girlfriend after all.
She was in "Cutting it" and "Teachers" among other things.

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