Anyone see Darren the young comedian ? Funny and genuinely looked as though he was enjoying himself - 3 yeses and praised and still didn't get through to the semis - unbelievable
Comedians do seem to get short shrift. I can't believe that the big dancer with the bra showing got through. Generally, though, I agreed with most of the semi finalist. My particular fave is the belly dancer. She is so not skinny. Maybe that would be a good role model for all those size 0 wannabees out there.
He probably told more than one joke but it gets edited - I saw the large woman that danced like an embarrassing drunk auntie at a wedding and the star wars geek organist, I think they got through, much to Simons disgust
I was at the Cardiff auditions ,he told two jokes, Amanda wet herself laughing and the audience was still buzzing 20 minutes later. Darren had the audience in the palm of his hand with the jokes and his delivery.
I also saw at least 4 tremendous singers that havn't appeared on the new series - any of these would have been good enough to reach the final