Is it just me, or does anyone else feel the same ? Okay, so George was mildly entertaining, but come on ! Where were Scala and Feryl, (although I LOVED the cheeky monkeys), Guess Mr. Cowell has the best of both worlds. Rakes it in from the prog., and will no doubt shortly sign up Scala and Feryl to record an album. I'm happy for George, but he certainly wasn't the best on the night.
I thought signature were a bit overrated, only because the basic plan for the dance is now very obvious therefore it loses its appeal, I thought george was a good dancer but again some quite repetative stuff not just in doing the same routine but the dancing itself.
Im thinking escala and faryl will get contracts, maybe even andrew (the bullied boy singer)
George was definately the best. Do we need another Charlotte Church & Aled Jones ??? I don`t think so. And as for the Bond impersonators. They`re nothing new.
Interesting response, of course talent is a personal thing, and what is great for one is not always great for another.
I do wish George all the best, but personally I wouldn't pay to see him, whereas I would for Scala or Faryl.
But hey, horses for courses as they say.
Thanks for your views.
The celeb judges kept going on and on about George all through the ITV2 coverage. I felt it was a fix!!!! Simon said how George didn't go for the sympathy vote but anyone else pick up on what he said when asked what it would mean to win it. 'Winning this wouldn't only change my life - it would SAVE my life'. If that's not for sympathy - what is? He is just so false. I agree with whizwheels he certainly wasn't the best entertainer. They just didn't want another singer to win this year. What a travesty for the young singers, although they are made for life. Simon will make sure no-one else signs them before him.