Guardian Brummie in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Guardian Brummie

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Chree | 12:29 Sun 08th Jun 2008 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Hi all!

A few things if someone could be so kind....

14d) Two centuries since one in battle footwear.
The answer is moccasins but i can't work out the word play - CC for two centuries but can't fathon the rest out.

Similarly, 8d) is organ grinders.
Revolutionary street entertainers in rags circling Miller.

Same again for 20d - Hold up.
Stop - just gin, no vermouth!

And stumped on 16D)
Before 1PM and a quarter(7)

Finally(!) 1D)
Function after short contest(7)

Many thanks

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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14d Moccasins - CC (2 centuries) + as (since) + i (one) +Mons (battle)

8d Organ grinder-s - 'rags' = organs (newspapers) + grinder = miller
20d Hold it
16d Brownie
1d compact
Question Author
Thanks guys!

Can't see how you get brownie.....obv the 1pm bit is there but what about the e?

And the Hold it - how does that work?

14d. CC is two centuries followed by I then put inside mons which was a battle in the first world war.
8d. organs and rags are alternatives for newspapers.
they go round grinder which is another name for a miller.
1d could be undergo.
sorry can't help with the others,20d how many letters?
moccasins = mons(battle) round as i (since one)
organ grinders = rags(newspapers i.e.organs) round grinder (miller)
hold it = just gin hold the it (italian vermouth)
brownie (camera theme) = pm=brown before 1 e
compact (camera theme) =comp(short competition)
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Ta everyone.......hadn't heard of a brownie camera.

Thats me done...now to clean the windows :(

Have a nice day.
14 d moccasins
SINCE = as
ONE = i
Battle of MONS

1d compact
SHORT CONTEST = comp (etition)
Solution is one of the themed no-definition group

I, too, am puzzled by organ grinders as don't know where the 'n' comes from. As far as I can see we have
Miller = grinder
0 = circling
rags = anagram
but there is a spare 'n'. Can anyone else help with that?

16 d brownie
PM = Brown
before one = i
quarter = e
Solution is one of the themed no-definition group

Hope that helps

all the best
Question Author
Hi Emmemm.

The organs bit is described a few posts up the page!


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