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Good Morning!

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WhiteBear | 06:38 Sat 09th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
As Above i thought i would do the first morning post since i was up since 5.30am!!

just catching up the Olympics Games, im soo hooked on it, watching the Cycling ... i can actually hear some fans chanting in cantonese on it!! :)

i thought it would be in mandrin,,, or maybe its pronouce the same??

so anyone else up to anything apart from watching the olyimpics or are u not bothered??



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morning polar-bensma and all the gang----also have the pushbike race on -so i have---havent really noticed the chinese chanting,i must admit---
Morning Whitebear! :o)

Just got back in from a bike ride!! It's great being out when hardly anyone else is about!

I haven't caught any of the olympics yet and prob doubtful if we will watch any of it to be honest. I hope we do well tho!

Not up to much today. Youngest daughter has a Birthday party to go to but apart from that we'll prob be out in the garden if the sun stays out.

Have a good weekend :o)
Oo didn't see you sneak in there Beejay! Morning to you too :o)
errr - not bothered - would rather watch pain dry to be brutally frank - morning all - spent yesterday with my Big Sis and that equates to laughing like a drain all day - my stomach hurts - all in a good way!! We're off out later so if you're in the Rose tonight buy us a drink - make it a large one!! LOL
^paint - obvioulsy^
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hey Beejay :) cuddles here, how u doing? yep i heared group of people waving their little flags chanting lol.

wingnut, lovely ride? i wish i could do that... i just dont have a bike :(

and your daughter has birthday party to ateend? aww bet shes excited!!

i want a BBQ!!!

aww hippy u not a sports person? or just not into oliympics? x
Morning all, just watched a bit of the cycling and judo on Olympic breakfast. Unfortunatly I now have to go supermarket shopping.
Give me Rafa Nadal any day of the week - but this olympic thing just is dull with a capital D!!
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i need to do my washing in a mo, otherwise the laundry would be full, watching Sailing now!! ben ainsley is leading!! :) x
morning hipy and all i missed there-have a nice time at the rosie
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hippy, rafa nadal hmmmmmmmmmmmm nice set of bicepts their ;) yummmmy!!!! xx there are nice athles in the olyimpics u know :) x (im referring men)
Morning Whitebear , I watched the fantastic opening ceremony yesterday afternoon . :-)
Morning beejay , ~Wingnut~ , hippyhoppy , and tickledtrout .
:-) xxxxxx
Good Morning Whitebear I watched the opening ceremony fantastic .I was intending going to shops but got so hooked on it didn't go so I will have to go today. I just hope that we will manage to put on a show like that when it's our turn. Morning Bigmamma hope you keeping well and no more water leaks .How's Porshe? Have a nice weekend all.
orning all - not a sports fan whitebear but I do hope our team does well.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend whatever they're up to - enjoy the Big Sis visits hippyhoppy and bigmamma.
Gd morning whitebear, gd morning all.
mr oopsydoopsy and i have a child free weekend as the kids are at my sisters in brum.
we are ecorating my daughters birthday as a surprise, so had better get out of bed in a mo.
well, that was major judo disappointment at the olympics.
dont come here much ant more...maybe i should start.
are some of the oldies still about like 4getmenot, pink fizz, bobtheturkey,dothawkes?
Morning wendilla hun , I am fine thank you , Porsche has to see the vet on Monday , she has a lump to be looked at .
I am enjoying having time with my sister bensmum , and I can see hippyhoppy is too :-)
as you can see, my typing has not improved in my absence !
decorating as oppose to ecorating
any as oppose to ant !

velly my best chinese
Morning oopsydoopsy , nice to meet you , yes , 4get , bob , and dot are here , though I haven't seen pinkfizz in ages so I can't say for sure :-)
morning bigmama, thank you. like i said, haven't really been on in ages. forgot how much fun it is !
my husband just muttered that we have work to do, so not to get too engrossed !
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oopsy lol do we all speak like that?? well i dont :P i think my parents speaks like that though. :) flied lice anyone??

hello mamma, bensmum, wendilla, tickle hope u r all well.

just put my clothes in the washing machine, i thought i was early, there is already someones clothes in the dryer lol.

im flicking between channels on my freeview to watch the oliympics events, cant decide what to watch!!

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