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desperate housewives finale

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crisgal | 13:48 Thu 16th Oct 2008 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
and what a finale!
Didn't see that one coming with gabriella!


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who the hell was the bloke/boy that susan was snogging what happened to Mike??
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did you see the preview for the next one? I think Mile must be in some car crash or something. How exciting. I wish we could have seen Gabriella have her kids though!
they looked a bit older than 5 though
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yes, i thought that too! That girl with the make-up looked about 10!
Might not be her kids - she can't have them can she so maybe they're adopted?
What is going on?
Is the new series set five years on?
I am confused - it doesn't take much :-)

Susan and Mike were apparently in a car crash where other people were killed. They separated shortly after this. The guy is her decorator who she is having a secret fling with - not ready to reveal him to her friends yet!

Gabrielle's kids are having weight problems - something which bothers her greatly!

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desperate housewives finale

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