My dog is 21 months old and usually good as gold. However, on Sat night i went into the bedroom and there was a big wet patch on my bed. I wasn't sure if it was the dog or our new cat who we have had for about 1 month now. I changed the sheets and turned the mattress then left the room. Half an hour later i went back into the bedroom and there was ANOTHER big wet patch. As i had not caught the culprit in the act i didn't know who was to blame again. 10 mins later my partner picked up the dog for a cuddle and she had a wee on him!!!! This is totally out of character and no idea what to do or why she is doing this. Any ideas? I'll be away from pc til tomorrow but look forward to some replies before i run out of clean bedding! Thanks.
It could be cystitis, I had a similar problem with one of my cats, a course of antibiotic tablets from the vets, soon cleared up the problem. Hope all goes well.
Have you been letting the dog out alot of times? if not could have been needing a wee and couldnt hold it in hence peeing on your bed. Also does your dog drink alot? Might not be able to hold it if its over drinking. I was told take the dogs water away at 7pm everynight to prevent peeing on bed.
Thanks for your advice. I've been taking her out more regularly and keeping the bedroom door shut when i'm not around and she seems to be back to her normal self. Will just have to keep an eye on her and if it happens again will take her to vets about poss cystitis.
You say yoou have a new cat in the house...your dog may be reacting to that...territory marking. Maybe the cat has been laying in her favorite spot on the bed !
Or she may be a bit nervous of the cat - some dogs will wee when nervous or excited...