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Desperate Housewives

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joannie10 | 11:29 Thu 18th Dec 2008 | Film, Media & TV
26 Answers
Does anyone know if this season has now finished. Friend is sure they said that on Sunday when she was watching it but nothing was noted in the magazines and it did not say anything after last nights episode - I thought perhaps it is just off for the next few weeks due to festive period. thanks


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if you live in Ireland, the next episode after Sundays one was on Network 2 on Tuesday, it was the one with Dave at the graves and thats how it ended.
and it was a cracker. It's back on rte in mid january
dav's been in a few things, Timeline being one but does he remind anyone of a young larry hagman?
oh - he was in Band of Brothers - the cool silent-type one who ended up shell-shocked
Apologies Joannie. Can I jump in here. Saw your post here Whicker, and just thought I'd say that since the PMs on Sportsbank are no more, I'm pretty sure you have my email address should you need it.

Sorry again Joannie.
Thanks Naomi - in fact I lost it when the sports section changed! If you feel ok about it, email my gmail address and I'll store it as I should have earlier

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