my brother made a mint by having a solution, and selling photocopies of it for ten pence each!! I used to take mine apart and put it back together matched up- ha rubiks revenge put paid to that scam...
I'm with hippyhoppy, I wrote to the b@$7ard and he never "fixed it" for me - I wanted to meet 1977 World Speedway Champion Peter Collins (thirty years ago, of course).
I wrote but never sent, asking to meet John Travolta and Olivia Newton John, ok, so it was 1977!!! ;-)
If i could ask for anything now , well, i'd either ask to swim with Dolphins, OR ask for a date with Take That!
Oh Judge, just read youyr reply! I love speedway too! I used to fancy the pants off Bruce Penhall!!! lol Speedway is a cool sport, love it! My brother is mad keen and his wife arranged for him to ride the track at Coventry!