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Aww Tony Hart died :(

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Eve | 13:40 Sun 18th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I used to love his show when I was little, always wanted a piccie shown :)



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Awww that's a shame :(

I wanted my piccie shown too.
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John Lewis was selling plasticine at Chrostmas to make your own morf.
Shame, he was a very talented man.
I think Morph used to steal the show
Just heard that too. He was a nice chap... I did send a picture but it didn't get shown ;c( was "Morph"....not morf.

You seem to have a bad habit of getting things wrong!
Yeah cheers for bringing that to our attention,yeah i think we all wanted our pictures up on the gallery! and remember that little nutcase morph! haha! when i got older i always thought that he was gay,on account of his chiffon scarf he always wore,but just found out he was married with kids and grandkids!

oh well,he was an inspiration! now your up there with picasso,van gogh and all the other great artists,RIP TONY HART!
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He was a very talented man and a natural in front of the cameras. I am sure he has been an inspiration to many and will be sorely missed.
Awwww......the knob has problems admitting he's wrong...again!!
How about yous two mind on what this thread is about and take yir bickering elsewhere?
TCL - How about "No"??
I grew up with him on TV - I'm saddened by his loss RIP
so sad i wanted my pic to be in the gallery every week but nothing well im a crappy artist anyhoo
ahhhh thats sad, i used to love take hart, it's very sad news RIP
My thoughts are with morph and chad :(

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Aww Tony Hart died :(

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