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Ive just won �815,810 on spanish lottery!

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redcrx | 14:42 Fri 23rd Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
all they need is my bank details!


anyway i was hoping to send them a little free gift when i return the form

so..............what should i put in the envelope?????



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Aids - if you've got any.......or a nice pile of fresh dog poo
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a) the bank details of someone you really detest

b) a letter asking for a few euros in cash as a show of good faith

c) something brown & smelly found on the pavement
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zacsmaster -if only i had them, house worth a lot less than �810k.

vandersam - dog poo? thats cruel! perhaps baby poo will be better.
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Mrs O, i dont think i detest anyone that much.

a used tampon....its not unheard of
OK about a used nappy?
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eeeewwwww thats just gross isnt it.

so tempting but i dont think i could bring myself to do it
use it to wipe your b*M and then send it back !
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mr CRX is a fisherman, might be able to get some maggots
Tell them that you represent the UK lottery and that they've won �7,000,000 which you will send if they give you details of their bank account.
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i wonder if theyd fall for that, Harry.

actually they are so greedy they probably would pmsl
Just hope that that it takes a long time to reach them. With a bit of luck they will have turned into flies.
I wonder if scammers are also feeling the Credit crunch pinch?
Ask them for their address & phone number and say you'll be calling for it in person
and tell them you'll bring the cheque for 7 million quid with you.
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maybe they are, velvetee,
perhaps we should all have a whip round for them.
You should see the form you should just fill that in with witty replies. One line is you next of kin..... Mmm Would that be your maiden name by any chance?
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oh fax it to me sis if you have it there

(4get opens my post when she checks my flat for me in case anyones wondering lol)

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Ive just won �815,810 on spanish lottery!

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