g'day islanders...had to take a break from all the sunrays, I'm in danger of not being pale & interesting anymore :o)
Is it the time of the season for crazy dreams?...laughing at neti's...I had an intruder dream last night too, but I woke myself up - I can do that - and in the next one I was at my son's house, but it was different from his real one, & a bird was flapping at the open window to come in. Eventually it made it & flew round the room before landing on top of the tv....and...it was a dodo (albeit a small one)....hahahaha....and better still....it could talk!! :o) I must have had too much sun yesterday.
Thanks for the tip about Rescue remedy woofy that's a great idea, I've always got some in & I'm always amazed how much it helps...I'm certainly not easily swayed so it isn't psycothingy...
Beautiful pics Kit, it looks so peaceful, it must have been a lovely day...and I love the goats. The first pic I took when I visited N. Wales for the first time a few years back was of sheep....haha, all that way on a hot day for sheep, I could have gone down the road!
Shame about Allied carpets, the best sales service I've had was from them...not that I buy a lot, but hey ho...
YOU are toast sweedie!!...