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muttsnuts | 16:08 Fri 15th Oct 2004 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
I've read that bryan singer is lined up to direct the new superman film, but what does that mean for X-men 3? will bryan be doing it still? he's hinted that he was going to put beast and gambit in the next film, but that was before the superman stuff so what's cracking off?


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I heard Joss Whedon was gonna take the helm once Serenity (the movie of his shortlived sci-fi series Firefly) has wrapped.
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It's def Bryan Singer doing it. he's been interviewed about it. and he's doing the casting call for the new superman as well!
speaking of there going to be an X-Men 1, as the first film was X-Men 1.5, then X-Men what happened to 1...?
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X-men 1.5 was the special edition DVD. Supposedly had more stuff on it than the normal X-men DVD. Can't say there was much extra in my opinion.
Oh, I see!!! Thanks for that! I thought maybe there was going to be a pre-quel or something. Is that how you spell pre-quel?
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theres no need for the hyphen
a-ha!!! Oooh....I seem to have gone hyphen mad this afternoon! hahaha
Singer may still be involved with the X-Men movies, but isn't directing X3. Earlier this week it was announced that Fox had a shortlist of three directors they were going to choose from. BTW, a Wolverine movie is currently being scripted.
Now this could be utter lies but i heard that they got the guy who play jesus in the Passion Of The Christ to play Superman, i may have been misinformed.

Superman has been cast now - it's Brandon Routh.

Who? You may well ask...

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