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eastender Janine storyline

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dot.hawkes | 21:00 Thu 29th Jan 2009 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
where on earth are they going with this one, it is Bizarre!!! Very ridiculous and totally boring and uninteresting, as is the Billy/Jay story, but the St Bernard is a stroke of genius


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Well I missed Tuesday's episode Dot, so hadn't a clue what tonights was all about!

It did seem very silly & unreal, but I'll still watch Tuesdays on iplayer to find out what led up to it!
Did Jack escape from the club? I agree with you Dot, it's ridiculous.
Wont know until tonight Stone-Monkey.

Unless you look on the 'spoilers' & find out. I prefer to wait & see tho'!
Thanks Smudge. I was cooking, and talking to friends so I missed the last few minutes. Did she douse Jack in petrol?
stone- monkey. it was'nt petrol it was water.
Water? So, she's left him there handcuffed and wet? Okay, I'll watch it tonight then. Thanks!
It was so silly, but we still watch it. lol
EE has got so bad that my partner doesnt even watch it now.

I mean come on:

Ricky & Bianca
Billy & jay
Dirty Archie
The Max and tanya saga that has been drawn out for months and months...

Appalling hence rubbish ratings
I totally agree with you Jimmy - the suspense at the end of m-o-n-t-h-s of waiting isn't exactly cliff hanging!!!!

We all know it's silly & nowhere like real life, but we still watch it! ;o}
Smudge its so predictable that last night I watch a program about oil speculators instead

Plus there are far too many gingers in it lol
She blackmailed him and now has bought the car lot ... for not a lot of money considering the lack of depth to the envelope of cash she gave him!!

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eastender Janine storyline

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