thanks4nowt Tue 03/02/09 11:27 him and his constant drivel,abuse and bullying of other users,and apart from a handfull of his sheep followers And just what were you up too last nigth With my four dogs i walk down the street and look a real hard man My wife is a perfect 12 in my dreams She has had a lot of offers from top magazines , well one from a smuty porn mag , but hey it's a start Do we care Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
using the name thanks4nowt are we leg? whats your immature game this time? oh your doing a scrooge,in otherwords you've become invisible so you can hear what the masses have really got to say about you in order for you to change you say,well its the same things that people say to your face! well good luck...because old habits die hard......
hiding behind a green name? well as im a ''new'' user pray tell me how do i go about changing my name to grey,where according to your logic its impossible to hide behind,hahahahaha!
and why do you call me sarge? i havent been in the police force or the forces......oh i get just have the utmost respect for me! ok then ill play along.......''at ease private!''
Well you can me a new contributer MrK. Yolu can browse the site all you like without registering, it's only when you want to reply or post anything that you need to register a username etc.