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Do you have any recommendations for other ABers?

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China Doll | 12:11 Tue 10th Feb 2009 | Film, Media & TV
42 Answers
Morning (barely) All,

I'm very lucky and have had a friend download a load of stuff for me to watch and I feel like sharing my recommnendations... Mainly because my other friends are rubbish and don't like the sort of telly I do so I've no one to discuss with all the good stuff I've watched recently and I really, really enjoyed it and I've gotten all enthusiastic about it! Ahem... So anyway, my recommendations are...

Dexter (Well obviously)
True Blood (This is fantastically funny and well done)
Santuary (Ok, ok, it's pretty cheesy but it's still fun!)
Damages (I suspect I'm the last person to catch on to this)
Burn Notice (Kind of a cool Magiver
Rome (1&2 & again, I may be late on the uptake)
Cracker (I just brought the box set and I'd forgotten how good this show was)

Do you have anything you've watched recently that you'd like to recommend or share with others?



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at least i'm not on my own!
Question Author
I join in with those arguments too :c(

And I had a rather heated 'discussion' about the merits of that new Superman series when he's a young lad because of Lois Lane's appearence... Sigh

I've not heard of those hundredolla, I will go google!
Arrested Development
Operation Good Guys

Question Author
Tut... Can't seem to find Unlucky Louie, must be doing something wrong.

Cheers Octavius (how are you toots?), more I've not heard of, I shall go google those too!
Doing well my little poup�e de porcelaine. And you?

Have you watched The Mighty Boosh yet?
Question Author
Not bad, had a few days of to go down and see the relatives and a poorly but petulant and mainly pickled grandfather. Not back at work til thursday so just relaxing now.

Don't tell Goody but I have never watched The Mighty Boosh... it's just never on when I'm around and it's not the sort of thing I'd go out of my way to see. I must check it out though, less I lose my 'cool' status. thanks for reminding me!
Relaxing with some of Black Friars Distillery's finest brew no doubt!
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Tut... I've not touched a drop for two days I'll have you know. How very dare you! (Admittedly it's been to cold to go out anyway and I've been happily going through my hardrive). I started watching Sleeper Cell but it's in the wrong order but that's looking promising too.
I'm with you china, I don't like 24 either. Someone lent me the first series and I watched it all, but got bored with it and haven't watched any more since.

I like Being Human
Question Author
I shall google. Not heard of that one either.
I don't like 24 either.

Ooh, look! We are a crowd!
sexcetera , very informative!
Question Author
Sexcetra is poor mans porn really and not much good at that... Thanks for the contribution though old chap.
Dear God that programme is awful � unless you like fat Americans dressed in revealing bondage gear I s�pose.

Eurotrash did it so much better, so many years ago, and with hilarious voice overs. Who can forget Naked Germans of the Week and the sadly departed Lolo<a/>!

erg, no 24 for me, jno jnr often has it going full blast while I am trying to give information on lace doilies on AB, and it sounds like it's mostly about torturing people to get information out of them, which is what I loved so much about the Bush administration NOT.
Question Author
I remember Eurotrash... I liked the giraffes. Now that was quality broadcasting! :c)

I think 24 gets predictable in its unpredictability if that makes sense? The first one or two were good because they were different, now it's sort of shrugs shoulders and makes meh noise
Hmm, think you already watch quite a few of the ones I like, in fact watching old episodes of House while I'm typing.

Agree with the Dean factor in Supernatural :)

I avoided Prison Break for ages then ex wanted to watch series 2 so figured I'd given season 1 a go and became absolutely hooked.

Still watch Lost though gets madder by the second, can't help but admire the writers though, how they keep up I have no idea.

I like Heroes though that's getting a bit on the confusing side as well.

Love Dexter (named my late hamster after him) but you're already got that one.

I've always loved ER but it's the last series on now and they're not as good as they used to be.

I used to love Cutting It, more the first 2 series.

Always had a thing about Roswell though back in my Buffy days, find Buffy repeats a bit cheesy now.
the box set of extra's , has to be watched back to back.
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