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New Billericay Lions Quiz Available

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PuzzledPedro | 11:53 Tue 03rd Mar 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Love Songs Quiz

First Prize �50.00, Second Prize �25.00 ,Third Prize �10.00, Three Lucky Dip Prizes - �5.00

Entry Fee �1.00 - All profits to Lions Charity Account - Helping people in the local community.

The answers to this quiz are the titles and artist of 100 songs that have made it to the top 10 in the charts between 1955 and 2005. Somewhere in either the name of the song or the artist you will find the word Love, either as a word on its own or contained within a word, all you have to do is identify the song and the artist from the initials given. There is a spread of songs over the 50 years, so there should be something for the old and young to answer.

Copies of the quiz can be downloaded from and you can send your fee with your completed entry, or if you still want the thrill of receiving a paper copy in the post they can still be requested by sending a stamped, addressed envelope and entry fee to :-
Love Songs Quiz(AB), Lions Club of Billericay, PO Box 4359, CM11 1HB (Cheques \Postal Orders should be made payable to Lions Club of Billericay).

The closing date is Saturday 30th May 2009


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Thanks, have downloaded it
me too am on the case , thankyou
For this quiz, please will you return entrants' marked answer sheets, after the closing date ?
Question Author
keyboardix. If you look in the quiz news I posted about three items before the new quiz item, or look on the quiz itself you will see one of the changes we have made is the option to request your marked answer sheet is returned if you enclose a SAE with your answers.
Thank you for the clarification.
Question Author
Hope that helps and will get more people to enter In the past I have never had the chance to have my answers returned so did think of doing it, but after the comments on the I Can Sing A Rainbow Quiz I thought I had better change.
I've downloaded two copies successfully, I'll pass one on to a friend. I enjoyed the last one.
Downloaded too, love these quizzes

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New Billericay Lions Quiz Available

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