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iv just watched jade

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chicho,bird2 | 22:02 Thu 12th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
goody wedding

and i never once seen her mum cuddle her

it was sad and emotional

i would hope my mum would cuddle me

if she were still here

and for jack well is it true love

those kids i feel for i hope the biological father can have them to look after

god bless us all xxxxxxxxx


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Thank you chicho!!
I thought it was very sad - everyone was moved to tears weren't they?
Jack comes across as very detached. I think that might just his personality though.

Would you really want to be cuddled by Jackie?

It's a reflection when they keep saying about the bad start Jade had in life.
Question Author

was that with her mum
she was more concerned for her nan and granda

jades mum didnt know wat room they were in ?

wat a farce sad to say the least x
I don't think she's been much of a mother. Jade had to look after her and her druggie mates after she had the bike crash.
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I know I'm going to be classified as "the bad guy" after this but here goes:

What exactly is the obsession with Jade Goody? Yes, I know that she's only 27, has a few ******* kids, has advanced cancer which will claim her life soon, recently married her criminal boyfriend, and was on Big Brother some years back? Yeah?

Do any of you openly mourn on this site for each and every one of our service men and women whose lifves have been ripped away from them in Iraq or Afghanistan? Or those who have been maimed in similar incidents whilst serving OUR country?

Feel free to "get stuck into me", folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question Author
i know ummm

but she could of made an effort

to give her comfort

but she dint
jack would not comment on the mother in law bit would he

also wat happens to jades house were the kids have grown up in

as she wants to buy jack a house so kids can visit him

wat happens to it all and were are the kids going to live i hope with there dad xxx
The word which has been "starred" out is:

b**tard (which is NOT a swear word and can be found in any dictionary.
Question Author

i care for the soldies

but get on with

and set ur self a light this has nothing to do with

iraq or afganistan

put ur own thread up

and we will answer accordinally too you

this is about jade

Paraffin - I'm not a media person. Especially for reality tv celebs. In the case of Jade I think she has highlighted not just how hard a struggle it is but also the case of the loved ones having to watch someone they love die.

I watched my Dad die last year so it's a subject close to my heart.

I must admit though. She still looks really well. My Dad looked like a dead man walking.
Also paraffin - our soldiers as brave as they are, chose their profession and as harsh as it might sound they knew the worst case scenario.
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been thru same thing

and i renber you saying about your too

i had tradgedy in my life within a year of each other
1 brother
2 sister
year after

then lots of probs after that xx

still on going xx
ummmmm: Using your logic, we wouldn't ever have anyone joining the Forces or Emergency Services either.
can you explain that^ ?
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no kno

here here ummmmmmmmmmmmmm

your so right xx
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you on hols

this is about jades wedding farce
not our soldiers

for gawd sake


but up or shut up and get bk

to the sun xxxxx
How do you mean my logic paraffin?

Are you telling me that when someone joins the armed forces that they don't understand that they might die in service?
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im going bk to my music
and bed x nite xxxxxxxxx

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iv just watched jade

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