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Does John Barrowman have one suit, or lots of the same suit

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dot.haukes | 19:53 Sat 16th May 2009 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
and who told him that suit suits him, it is like a 1970's game show hosts' cast off


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I don't know the answer to that one.

Why not ask him?
oh I do get annoyed by john barrowman :o
Why doesn't he go back to America?

Maybe they don't want to employ him there?

who is j Barrymore,is that him on the twitter page,he's a hunk.
Lets face it hawkes you are a liar and a towser and you always will be.

I hate people who pretend to be something that they are not..
And you are the biggest one of them and you lied about your grandkid just to get attention on here so how sick is that
Oh dear!

arent they always,rollo.ah well i've still got simon cowell to drool over
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knobby you old fart get a life, sadly it was the truth and my son's GF lost her baby, why do you choose to keep bringing up the subject, are you sick in the head?
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oh but as I am a brain surgeon called Dr Miranda Goldplated and hail from Florida and live in Ireland and am really not called dot hawkes in real life, nor do I live in lancashire and manage a shoe concession in debenhams , then yes, I am indeed to be pretending to be someone i am not, trust you to see though my cunning disguise knobend

love Miranda
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as for being a towser, i am not sure what one of those is, but if you say i am then it must be so, what does it say on your driving license again? Mr K N Onuts?
dot, Arsenal didn't do very well today, so knobby is as drunk as a skunk and in a belligerent mood. I have bolted my front door in terror and I suggest you do the same.
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no worries whiffey, that arse-wipe would struggle to get north of his front door let alone north of watford, he's an internet bully who needs more practise cos noone takes the lump of ***** seriously on here, he's a troublemaker and a fraud. (only joking he's a cuddley kockerney ain;t he guvnor?)
I would stick with "arse-wipe", it sounded pretty good to me.

I hope there are no references to Spanish waiters.
Noway I'm delighted that I'm not the only one to fancy the lovely Simon. I love his sexual power. He just oooooozes!
Except for his teeth - they are way too white

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ok fair point, he's a classless troll too but i won't mention that on here
yes they are a bit, but perhaps if he toned down the tan it would impact on the teeth!!!!!! Lord love him at least he tries and that smile..................boyish lol
Hawkes you are such a sad old bint.

You cant get a man and you surly cant keep one as when they find out what you are like they run a mile

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Does John Barrowman have one suit, or lots of the same suit

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