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smells of childhood

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zzxxee | 13:21 Wed 10th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
isnt it funny how certain smells bring back childhood memories like lily of the valley purfume always reminds me of my nan what smells take you back to childhood?


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Bubblicious bubble gum...
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what frogspawn literally or are you talking about school dinners tapioca prehaps?
Coffee, my gran had a coffee shop and always had a pot percolating, every time I smell coffee it takes me back over 50 years.
Tarmac-it takes me right back to that looooooooooong summer of '76 and playing on my back street all day every day with my friends, only going in for tea and then getting told off as the melting tar was stuck to my clothes :-)
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why do we often associate smells with nans?
real frogspawn. I used to collect it in
double bubble chewing gum. It was like eating germoline!
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i remember the smell of the school hall a real strong polish i hated it
cakes baking the old lady over the rd use to bake me cakes .
Bonfires. I used to love burning stuff. Used to go home smelling of burning wood.

It was my mum's cure for everything from a graze to terminal illness
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cod liver oil at my other nans house she made us all have a spoonful every time we visited
My kids say every time they smell burnt toast it takes them back.!! I must have burnt the toast a lot LOL
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zzxxee, you've just reminded me of my mum's other "cure all" - malt & cod liver oil.
mrs_o......I used to love my spoon of malt each night...
Pledge polish.

My mother was a fanatical cleaner - a gene she did not pass onto me.
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and my nans teeth soaking in stedredent in a glass in the kitchen yuck

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smells of childhood

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