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Is your Freeview working ok?

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10ClarionSt | 15:21 Fri 26th Jun 2009 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
I've not had a signal now for two days. Anyone else having trouble? I'm in the Granada region.


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the bloke next door to us has same probs,yet ours is fine,we're in westcountry
As regions are gradually switched to digital you will need occasionally to retune your box - do it through set up or whatever applies to your box. You may need to do this several times during the switchover period even if your area has not yet changed over entirely.
we are ok here in the west x
I,m on the Winter Hill Transmitter the same as yourself and my Freeview has been OK apart from some signal Break-up due to the weather. Our switchover date is Nov 4th until Dec 2nd.
Try a Full Re-Scan if you have no Channels at all and see what happens. Are all Channels 'Off' or are some still 'On' ??
zzxxee !
Your Area should now be on Full Digital with Max Power !
we are fine and dandy indeed redman
petal54 !
Tell the guy next door to do a Full Re-Scan as the West Country has gone Fully Digital as has the Border Region !
You could try unplugging the box overnight, I've had to do that a couple of times. Otherwise, retune it.
I'm in the south of england, keeps coming and going, watch the old analog signal sometimes, digital is pain in the backside !!!!

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