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Indecent Proposal...

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NoMercy | 15:45 Sun 26th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
You must all remember the film Indecent Proposal, where Demi Moore agreed to spend the night with Robert Redford for $1m.

I was just wondering.....

What 5 things would you NOT do for a million?

5 things I wouldn't do... :

1. Give up hot curry.
2. Go on the Jeremy Vile Show.
3. Have a tattoo.
4. Write my autobiography.
5. Peter Stringfellow !


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I can't think at the moment what I wouldn't do for �1million.
Errrr nothing, did you get my text nomerc?
Question Author
Yes I got your text, Knobby !

It made me think of this song....


im easy lol
There is definitely one thing that I wouldn't do for a million dollars: I wouldn't say 'no'.
Question Author
Well, at least you guys are all being honest ! lol
Give away 2Million
Give away 3Million
Give away 4Million
Give away 5Million
Give away 6Million
shurrup beardy cat
Lol I keel you
I keel you
A million quid? Nope... nothing I wouldn't do...

And I'd spend some of it on getting my memory wiped!
Question Author
That's a very funny clip, Knobby ! LOL
Lol peri Mrs P.V.C. loves that and me too
Well that will be 50p well spent then snags
That did make me laugh knobby!
NoM for a million I'd even take on Peter Stringfellow and Jeremy Kyle at the same time......
yeah but craft - what would you do with them?
the only thing i wouldnt do for a million quid would be to kill a member of my family ( hmm my brother in law is exempt from that though )
Question Author
Hi to Sachs, Craft, Devil and Dusty !

Yes, Dusty.... I wouldn't hurt a member of my family for any amount of money.
dusty...think of only the �1million, but you could do a deal on their kidneys, heart, liver and corneas.
That would bring in a bit extra.

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